Modellbau break dancer lego

  • Ersteller Ersteller rere22
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please help me!!!!!

comment faire tourner separement les gondoles du plateau
comment faire le mecanisme d'engrenage


how to run separately gondolas Shelf
how the gearing mechanism

thank you
maybe you try to say it in english.... Personly i cant speak french:mf_gap:
[QUOTE = rere22; 96400] S'il vous plaît aidez-moi !!!!!

comment faire tourner séparément les gondoles du Plateau
Comment faire le mecanisme d'engrenage


comment faire fonctionner séparément gondoles plateau
comment le mécanisme d'engrenage

merci [/ QUOTE]

how to run separately gondolas Shelf
how the gearing mechanism

thank you
Ohh, okay...

To run Gondolas seperratly is a difficult thing in Lego. Not many People had a Break Dance that works perfectly correct. So, waht you can do first is to use pur search function here at kirmesforum. Only klick "Suchen" and enter the keyword "lego Break Dance". I´m not sure if that will help you but it was something to try. Because i´m not a Lego Builder....