Hull Fair 2020 [UK]

Man ya'll have some great flat ride credits I haven't seen here in Germany yet.

I gotta make it to the UK sometime in the future.

I just wish the ride cycles were a bit longer for the (probably) high ticket price. It's just not up to the standard of Germany, I'm afraid. At least that's what I've heard from UK enthusiasts coming to Germany for the first time.
Man ya'll have some great flat ride credits I haven't seen here in Germany yet.

I gotta make it to the UK sometime in the future.

I just wish the ride cycles were a bit longer for the (probably) high ticket price. It's just not up to the standard of Germany, I'm afraid. At least that's what I've heard from UK enthusiasts coming to Germany for the first time.
To be honest the Rock Rage did another cycle, I cut the video short.
To be honest the Rock Rage did another cycle, I cut the video short.
Huh? So it came to almost a complete stop just to go one more time? Are there like some strict cycle time limitations in place in the UK? Because the operator could've just kept going after he reactivated the gondola brakes at 1:50. As far as I'm aware, that's the only limitation KMG puts in place for their Inversion 12 models.

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